Learn More About Shuva Global Diplomacy

Learn more about our organization's founding, purpose & projects throughout this website, and make sure you read the prayers we encourage you to recite on behalf of Israel and our precious soldiers. Please donate to our cause!

About Us/What We Do

Shuva Global Diplomacy assists with the Aliyah (immigration) and absorption of Ukrainian and French Jews as well as Jews from other distressed countries around the world. The rapid increase in European anti-Semitism has placed the Aliyah of European Jewry as one of the most pressing and urgent financial and humanitarian challenges and priorities facing the State of Israel today. 

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Every year, some 300 babies are abandoned in Israel. There are many reasons that these babies are rejected by their parent/parents. Some of the babies suffer from downs syndrome - others from a variety of birth defects and many are simply unwanted. As sad as it is, more than anything else, the babies need love. "First Hug" has 3,000 volunteers that go to hospitals all over Israel. Their task is to spend hours hugging and loving these babies until they are adopted.

It is a well known fact that human contact and love is a crucial element in the development of infants. Many studies have shown that babies lacking love, hugging and attention are much more likely to have emotional and other development problems as they mature and grow up.


Financial Support for Physically & Mentally Challenged Youth in Community of Kochav Yair/Tzur Yigal

(This young man asked not to have a picture of his face taken)

*Hebrew news article below of Danish delegation visiting the center in Kochav Yair/Tzur Yigal


Assisting The Absorption and Integration of More Than 2,500 New Immgrants Since 1998


Building of Kindergartens in Small Communities



Building Playgrounds



Feeding The Hungry



Providing For Special Education Needs


Providing Medical Equipment For Emergency and Birthing Centers


Reconstruction of Joseph The Righteous Tomb in Nablus (Shchem)



Leading Hundreds of Tour Groups



Speaking Engagements Around The World

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